Sub for Santa (Donnie, Kyle, Conner, Jake)

Sub for Santa (Donnie, Kyle, Conner, Jake)

From Aptive Environmental

Our goal is to help as many families as possible this holiday season so share the love! Come to the Aptive building at 11:30 AM on Saturday, December 10th to help buy and wrap the gifts for the families.

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Keenan Walgren commented with a $10 donation:
about 8 years ago
Ho ho ho
Anonymous commented with a $35 donation:
about 8 years ago
God bless
Anonymous commented with a $5 donation:
about 8 years ago
Your Awesome, Merry Christmas!
Ian Brady commented with a $60 donation:
about 8 years ago
Have a warm and joyful Christmas. He is the reason
Ryan George commented with a $100 donation:
about 8 years ago
Merry Christmas! #begrateful
Anonymous commented with a $10 donation:
about 8 years ago
Merry Christmas!!!
Ganes MCCulloch commented with a $200 donation:
about 8 years ago
Merry Christmas To All!!
Anonymous commented with a $100 donation:
about 8 years ago
???????????????????????????????????????? I've been in this position many times. Merry Christmas
Dallas Crane commented with a $20 donation:
about 8 years ago
Merry Christmas
Darren Gealta commented with a $200 donation:
about 8 years ago
Calvin Cobb commented with a $50 donation:
about 8 years ago
Jonathan Ambrose commented with a $20 donation:
about 8 years ago
It really does not matter if you've been naughty, Santa still loves you.