To provide a wonderful Christmas for poverty-stricken underprivileged families in the Central New York area.
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Everything when great for both families! I met Kate (Mom) at Walmart and we purchased all Matt and Maddy's gifts. We including all gift wrapping supplies and Christmas tree (40% off). Jennifer (Charity worker) and her husband Dave also joined us for the Christmas shopping and made a surprise donation on the spot of $314.00 for one of the full shopping carts we had! I have pictures and I am trying to figure out how to post to the FUNDLY donation site. If i am unable I will post to Danielle's Facebook.
On Monday before Christmas we met with Andrew to drop of his and Mom's Christmas gifts! It was a pleasure to meet Andrew, Mom and Grandma! It also was a reality check and my heart breaks that we cannot help every family in this day and age. God Bless and Thank you once again. (Mick)
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Andrew wishes for a playstation 2, punching bag with gloves, Power Slammer wrestlers, boots and sneakers, Green Bay #52 anything!, Hoodie, BeyBlades and arena, games for playstation 2 (Street Racer, Skate 3 and NBA2K14, Wrestling)
Andrew will be receiving everything! AND we have gotten him a Playstation 3 with the games listed instead of a Playstation 2!
We have a bunch of ideas for Mom as she asks for nothing.......
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Matt and Maddy are wishing for a WII system with Mario cart game, Dispicable Me 2 movie, Winter boots, sneakers and socks.
Matt also wisjhes for "Star Wars" anything....and BeyBlades and "maybe jeans" lol
Maddy also wishes for a "Doll house for Barbies and a barbie to go with it" a "pretty dress in pink but will take any color" lol
Matt and Maddy both wish for "Mom to have a toaster" Maddy would like the toaster in pink.....hahahaha
Matt and Maddy will be receiving all the above including extra controller for Wii and more Wii games. Mom will receive her toaster (white not pink) along with $250 gift card to Bayberry Uniform and a $200 Wegmans.
I will post picture of the shopping, wrapping and gift giving on this blog site and Danielle's facebook.
Thank you everyone!
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I have received most of the Christmas lists to Santa and will be posting in the blog section this weekend. I will try and post pictures on this website also. I will also keep you all updated via Danielle's Facebook also!
Thank you once again!
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I am so touched at the donations, support and time offered to this fund. I thank you all so much. I look forward to seeing some of you to take advantage of your time donations! It means so much to Danielle and I.
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We have found another wonderful family. Mom and Dad along with there children Matt 12yrs and Maddy 10yrs moved from Detroit 5 years ago after Dad lost his job during the economic crash of 2008-9. Mom and Dad moved back to Syracuse to be close to Dad's family and to basically start over. Dad passed away unexpectedly in late 2012. Mom is close with her husbands family but they also struggle to some extent and Mom has no family of her own to turn to and is in need of our help. Mom is currently going to school to become a nurse. Bills and loans have piled up. Mom's children are adorable and each one of you would fall in love the moment you laid eyes on them! I am waiting for the "Christmas List" and will post once received. Thank you Jennifer of *********** charities for allowing us to help.
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We have found family Number Two! Check Out My Latest Campaign Update
We have found a amazing family number two. Soon I will be able to post a few details. Thank you ALL for helping us to help those in need.
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We have found a amazing family number two. Soon I will be able to post a few details. Thank you ALL for helping us to help those in need.
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We have found our first family. Mom and child. Mom will and is dealing with a life-long injury that will hinder many normal activities we all take for granted. Her wonderful son ***** is a fourth grader in the Syracuse City School District and looks forward to school everyday! Mom wishes for nothing.....all Mom wants is for her son and his future. We have asked for a "Santa's Christmas List" from little ***** and also something he would think his Mom would like from Santa this Christmas! We are providing groceries and Christmas dinner also to this wonderful family! I look forward to updating you all on our progress!
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We are getting down to crunch time. We have made great progress and are currently locating famlies, we are still in need of more donations. We are in talks with Wegmans groceries to discuss dinner bundles for the families at a discounted price. I will continue to keep all updated as we go forward.
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Thank you !! Mom and Rick! Your rule!
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Wow! What a day! Thank you all for your donations and support!
We love you all!
Mick and Danielle
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Randy and Gail. Danielle and I thank you for your donation! along with your service in the Marines and Fire Department. God Bless
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We are getting closer every day!
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