Scope Presentations Charity Event

Scope Presentations Charity Event

From Dr. Markus Smith

To help raise money for the community. (Please scroll down to see the story behind this event.)

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Judy Nguyen commented with a support:
over 11 years ago
You're doing a good thing!
Alexander Gutierrez commented with a $10 donation:
over 11 years ago
Thanks Mr. Smith for your contribution to your community and starting this fundraiser.
Robin Caldwell commented with a $50 donation:
over 11 years ago
I love you bestie
Robin Caldwell commented with a $50 donation:
over 11 years ago
Love you Bestie
Anonymous commented with a support:
over 11 years ago
Finally made it. Hoping all is well!
Tyler Moore commented with a support:
over 11 years ago
Great job Dr. Smith!
HANS MINTSA commented with a $10 donation:
over 11 years ago