Scarves, Hats, & Gloves for the Homeless in Jacksonville

Scarves, Hats, & Gloves for the Homeless in Jacksonville

From Michelle Chance-Sangthong

We are raising money to provide at least 200 folks with a warm scarf, a hat, gloves. Thank you for helping make the lives of those who are homeless a little bit warmer.

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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
almost 10 years ago

Update #20

A #scarfbombjax story ... I had to hold back the tears

Yesterday, I had the honor ... yes, HONOR of hanging scarves on the fence outside the Sulzbacher Center. I wanted to go to some place that I hadn't been to yet this year; and I with winter (hopefully) coming to and end, I wanted to help as many folks as possible. I'm further honored that a report and photo journalist from wanted to tag along.

The fence outside was PERFECT. I could place scarves on the sections, and smaller sections had a place for the hats --- I could not have picked had a better place. In the first 10 minutes or so, a few folks walked by ... and then a fellow (pictured. ... photo credit Bob Self with the ) asked if he could take a scarf to another gentleman that was sitting around the corner reading. "OF COURSE. Please do!"

I am so delighted that Bob was there taking pictures. When I saw this one I truly did have to hold back the tears. He wasn't just thinking about himself, but the others who were there, too.

This same gentleman went back inside the center to let folks know that there were hats and scarves available, even though he was in sort of a "hurry" as he told me. But he didn't want folks to miss out on a chance to be a little warmer.

In a matter of 30 minutes ... more than 60 scarves and 60 hats were claimed by folks hoping to stay a little warmer. Not everyone who took a hat wanted a scarf, and not everyone who took a scarf wanted a hat. So if I had to estimate, more than 75 folks were helped to be a little warmer yesterday because of YOUR generosity.

THANK YOU and please pass the tissues.

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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
almost 10 years ago

Update #19

A #scarfbombjax Story... A few weeks ago, after picking up a meal at a drive-thru, I spotted a cardboard sign. A smallish fellow was holding his sign, and as I turned to take him a scarf, I realized he wasn't alone. His family was there with him.

I was fortunate that I wasn't pressed for time, and I drove back through and picked up a meal for the family and of course gave them scarves. I had the privilege to spend a few minutes with them. The Dad was recently out of work and his wife was cradling a toddler as he slept; their little girl, Sylvie, about 4, walked up to me and smiled. It was the kind of smile that lights up a room. And as she walked forward with hands opened wide, you could just tell it wasn't the first time someone stopped to give them food. They truly were in need, and hungry. They immediately took the food and made plates for the family. I gave them them scarves, hats, and gloves that I had. And in return they gave me a minute of their time.

They spoke with a broken accent, so I asked where they were from. They told me BOSNIA. I was kind of surprised, I don't know why, but I remember thinking ... really?

When you hear the word "HOMELESS" an image of a family doesn't usually come to mind. Often we have an image of someone that fits a particular profile, a stereotype. This family didn't fit that profile, they were frail, and worn, but still a family. I don't know their whole story, but I would guess the journey on the streets, and holding a sign may be the least of what they've had to face.

Then this week someone challenged me ... they said "what does a scarf do, really?" I said "it" doesn't do much, it helps keep someone a little warmer, but what I think is does, is let them know that someone cares, and perhaps gives them a glimmer of hope.

Thank you for helping us give warmth and hope to so many folks. I am honored that you care and support this with your love and enthusiasm, too.

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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
almost 10 years ago

Update #18

For the hundreds of you that have shared and cheered for the #scarfbombjax Project I thank you. Thank you to the folks who've helped cut, roll, and scarfbomb. And to the folks who will help up wrap up the week with scarfbombing all over town.

Thank you for your heart for caring about something that is so important, yet we take for granted.

And special thanks to those who have donated funds & knitted hats & scarves for the campaign. A few folks requested to be Anonymous ... so thank you, too. I downloaded the donor list from our Fundly site, and I do hope I haven't missed anyone who donated outside of Fundly. If I have, please forgive me. You have my thanks, too.

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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #17

Tonight the #scarfbombjax project will be on the news at 5:30 on First Coast News Channel 12. Thanks to Jacob Long for continuing to tell the story. And if you'd still like to make a donation the campaign, you still can, I am happy to buy more hats and gloves too. We still have some cold weather left to contend with before Spring.

Thank you ALL! Whoo Hooooooooooo

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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #16

New Batch for Tomorrow Morning to #scarfbombjax ....

I have lost an exact count, but on my best estimate this batch will bring us to more than 250 scarves, 210 Gloves, 185 hats, and 10 ear warmers. As well as a few meals.

Today I placed 10 in Riverside and gave sets to two gentlemen who were homeless. In this next batch I have 18 full sets, and 8 partial sets. I am also donating some smaller scarves and gloves to a school where children do show up cold and shivering.

The weather outlook ... It will be cold through Friday. Warm up for a few day and then be cold again the next weekend. I still intend to to 20 more hats so that we exceed our entire goal, and will continue to make scarves until the fleece runs out. I'd guess at least 50 more scarves.

Thank you for your continued support, cheering, calls to see how you can help, donation of time, talent, money, and heart. You inspire me to keep going. THANK YOU!

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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #15

What I Really Need Is ... A #scarfbombjax story

Last week when we were handing out scarves, as I tried to hand one to a woman, she said, "what I really need is a bus ticket" The day was warmer, even though the night was expected to be cooler, she was not interested in a scarf. I don't take that personally, after all, she's very clear on what she needs. And she was waiting outside the Women's and Children's shelter exit -- in what seemed like a routine affair. But what struck me was that when we gave scarves to children near her, she came rushing over and made them give the scarves back. "They're not my children, but they don't need those," she said. We tried to reassure her that it was ok, and she firmly said ... "NO thank you, we have enough to carry already."

I'd never thought of that. Something as simple as a scarf -- when the day is warm -- would be a burden. How fragile existence is when you're home insecure, that a yard of fabric could just be "too much".

As we went home we were extra grateful for the roof over our head. And the fabric stash that is overflowing. And the friends who are listening to these stories and allowing themselves to be touched, too.

Thank you for all your love and support.

( STOCK PHOTO - photo credit depositphotos/ felixtm)

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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #14

MY SIGN...Before I started the first scarfbomb project in 2014, I saw the "signs" and mostly I drove past them. I figured the folks that had the 'nerve' to stand with a sign were probably one of 'those' kind of people who did this for a living.

When I saw the scarfbomb idea, I was inspired, it was something I could do to help folks out in the cold, but I didn't have to really "get involved" I could just make some scarves, put them out, voila, deed done.

I hoped that somewhere folks would be blessed with a little warmth, and maybe someone else would be inspired.

As fate would have it, a dear friend shared the pictures with a news station, and they wanted to interview me. COOL. But then he asked ... HOW MANY MORE SCARVES WILL YOU MAKE? Uh uhm...what??? I thought this project was "over".

So then I turned to you for help, through the use of Fundly, and with YOUR donations, we raised more than $1,000 and ultimately passed out more than 400 scarves during the first project at the beginning of 2014. And I got to see faces, and families, and folks who were hungry and cold. I had my bones CHILLED and SHIVERING. While I lay covered in my own warm bed, NOT stuck out in the cold, I couldn't shake the chill in my bones. I was changing.

By the end of the project 400 people would be a little warmer because of a news story and the HUGE HEARTS of my friends and the fans of the project. And again, I thought... "deed done."

By February, because my wife was going back to school, I made the decision to minimize my consulting clients and begin a steady job. She had always supported my education efforts, it was time for me to support hers.

By March I had secured a position with a well established, thriving company. It was the first time I'd not been self-employed in 9 years. I was very excited and we made BIG plans. I had put all my "eggs" in one basket, my clients found new providers, my wife was doing well in school, and we were now a one-job family. For the first time in 10 years we didn't have all kinds of businesses, jobs, projects, and side work. It was great. And in many ways, a big sigh of relief.

Well that didn't last very long ... and by APRIL, my new employer made the decision to restructure the department ... and I was OUT OF A JOB.

We instantly became a NO-JOB family. In a span of 12 weeks, our world had turned upside down.

I have advisers who tell me I should NEVER TALK about this again, but I think it's important to share... THAT PERSON WITH THE SIGN COULD BE ME

BY MAY ... I shared an afternoon on the porch with my friend Tara who has a heart for people who are homeless, and she introduced me the mission of Hugh Hollowell - who speaks passionately about the "network" and how folks become homeless because they lack relationships and network.

So why tell you this? But for the grace of God, some savings, and my personal network, my relationships that could have been me holding a sign.


And that gave me a whole new appreciation for "the sign". It's not for me to judge, because THAT COULD BE ME.

BECAUSE you made that "lightbulb" go off for me. Throughout the year you have continued to work for the same causes.

BY JUNE I met Street Pastor and learned about the ministry for people who are homeless and people who are housed but hungry.

BY JULY - YOU HELPED me donate 100 JARS of love for the housed but hungry children in an Arlington neighborhood.

Throughout the year, at least 6 folks have contacted me about making scarves in their own community. From GEORGIA to VIRGINIA and all the way to OREGON, people that I personally know are making a difference where they live.

You share scarfbomb stories and my Facebook wall. You spread love.

AND you inspired me to do this project AGAIN ... so far more than 175 people have been blessed with hats, scarves, and gloves because of this Fundly project.

Because when I was in need I was helped, I was blessed, I was given grace. NOW when I see a sign, I look around my car and I think "HOW CAN I HELP THIS PERSON?"

How can I continue to PAY IT FORWARD?

Over the next few days, I'll share a few stories about some of the folks we have been meeting while we're out an about giving out scarves and scarf bombing.

Thank you for sharing, thank you for caring, thank you for blessing us and helping us bless others. It was more than a scarf, and this is more than a sign.

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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #13

Yesterday we were able #scarfbombjax and gift 18 sets, and I've heard word that our volunteer Florence also gifted another from her stash too. Sets were left along Philips Highway on bus benches, at the Treaty Oak Park, and near FSCJ Downtown.

That brings our totals to: 181 Scarves, 165 Hats , and 161 pairs of gloves. And now that we're fully funded, we can SAIL PAST those 200 sets! THANK YOU!

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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #12

YOU ARE AMAZING! Thank you one and all for helping us #scarfbombjax and exceed the financial goal of $1,000 even with a few days left. MY HEART IS OVERFLOWING WITH JOY and at least 200 people in Jacksonville will be warmer because of you! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #11

With cold weather moving in, we made a run to #scarfbombjax tonight. We scarfbombed in several places: Friendship Fountain; The Riverwalk Northbank across fromthe Hyatt; theJessie B. Smith Park across from the Florida Theatre; and finally at Hemming Plaza on the Library side.

In total we handed out or "scarfbombed" 23 scarves, 2 hats, & 3 pairs of gloves. Tonight's scarves were made from a bolt of fleece that was donated by Andi P.

This brings our totals to 163 Scarves, 147 hats, 143 pairs of gloves. We have just a few days left in our campaign and still have a little bit of a gap to meet our goal ... but I have faith we'll get there.


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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #10

To what do my wondering eyes did appear, but 25 beautiful hats made by Lyn. so dear!

Whoooo Hoooo. So excited to add 25 more hats to our scarf bombing efforts. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you LYN!

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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #9

140 and counting. This is what your love looks like in scarves, hats, and gloves. THANK YOU, because this could NOT happen with out you.

Packed up here are 100 scarves, 100 pairs of gloves, and 100 hats that were either made by or bought by those who have chosen to fund this project. THANK YOU for helping make this campaign goals come true.

If you're wondering if we need more donations, YES, we do. We are currently at $780 and have set a goal of $1,000 so we can help at least 200 people be warmer. THANK YOU!

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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #8

Big Thank You to Audrey for making these hats and placing them around to help #scarfbombjax. You can still make a donation and help us finish funding the scarves, too.

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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #7

More Fleece & Gloves ...

I am a bargain shopper and for our campaign -- while shopping at the usual best bargains I can find, I estimated it would cost about $5 to provide a hat, scarf, & gloves per person. Yesterday, for one day only, the fabric store was having a 75% discount on the Anti-Pill Fleece that is perfect for our no-sew scarves. And frankly it is the best price I've ever seen which means we can stretch your donations EVEN FURTHER.

I did not want to miss the opportunity to stretch the budget, so I made the decision to spend hundreds of dollars beyond the current donations, and together, help more than the original estimated 200 folks who are homeless and stuck out in the cold.

When I posted this photo on Facebook, you all responded, too, adding $250 more dollars to the campaign, and closing the gap between the donations and purchases. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

While we're still upside down by a few hundred more dollars, I feel so blessed to have your love & support, knowing that together we'll easily raise this and more to help add some warmth for those stuck out in the cold.


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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #6

Happy Thanksgiving. Today my nephews and I gifted and placed 20 sets of Scarves, Hats, & Gloves around downtown Jacksonville, FL.

While the folks who received the bundles will be a little warmer, I received something even more precious. The boys seemed to delight in doing something for others. They said it felt so good when someone said thank you and smiled. (I'll remind them of that later when they forget to say thanks).

We talked about how people may become homeless and how you can't always tell by looking at someone if they may be homeless or not. I also took a cue from my friend Tara, and did my best to remind the boys that these folks aren't "The Homeless", but they are people who are homeless. At first the older fellow said what's the difference?And I said to him --- sometimes you're a brat, right? He agreed. But I don't label you as a brat, you're my nephew who sometimes is bratty. It's the same for folks who may be homeless. Homeless is not a description of who they are ... its about their housing. I think he understood.

We were met with a number of smiles today, and one person who was upset when we got too close. That gave us another chance to talk about the mental illness and conditions that sometimes lead to folks becoming homeless.

I asked them what would fear, if they were homeless. Their list brought tears to my eyes. It was all about the "lack of" these things:

-- Self Defense (being vulnerable)
-- Food
-- Water
-- Shelter
-- Love
-- Comfort

They didn't say video games, or television. Electricity never crossed their minds ... they really saw the true basics that most of us really take for granted. And I have to tell you, the COMFORT surprised me. It wasn't about a comfy bed either, it was about that sense of comfort that comes when you do have a home to call your own.

I am thankful for each of you, for your donations, for your kindness. We have met nearly 50% of our fundraising goal, and 16% of our distribution goal so far. But we still have a ways to go ... and are waiting on more donations so that we can purchase the gloves to make the kits complete.

As you prepare for the big shopping days ahead, consider $10 for folks out in the cold and help us #scarfbombjax. THANK YOU.

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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #5

Glad to Have more volunteers today to get ready to hand out warmth at City Rescue Mission.

My nephews are helping bundle packages of the scarves, hats, and gloves we've been able to collect, buy, & make so far. #scarfbombjax

To date we have made & received 62 scarves. Purchased 40 pairs of gloves, received 28 hats, and purchased another 144. THANK YOU all for all you've given. Let's keep the warmth going.

Michelle Chance-Sangthong commented on a blog post:
about 10 years ago
And still have fleece to make about 125 more scarves.

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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
over 10 years ago

On Thanksgiving Day we have been invited to hand out scarves (and gloves & hats as they're available) at the City Rescue Mission. #scarfbombjax

This opportunity to help (and MORE COLD WEATHER) came faster than I had planned for, and the hats & gloves may not be here in time, so we're going to do the best we can with what we have.

If you'd like to join me to hand out scarves (I'm thinking 2 or 3 people will be enough) - please send me a message through Fundly (or Facebook).

Thank you and keep spreading the word!

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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
over 10 years ago

Can something as simple as a scarf really help someone stay warmer. In a word ... YES. Thank you for your support!

From the Health Guidance website:

"Wear a hat, scarf and gloves: Hats, scarves and gloves are all designed to protect some of our most vulnerable areas in the cold. A hat is particularly important as we can lose around 70% of our body heat through our head if it’s not covered, and because it can protect your ears that otherwise can sting in the cold and potentially be the first to develop frost nip and ultimately frost bite.

A scarf is also very important and shouldn't be under-estimated, particularly as you use it not only to protect your neck, but also your nose and mouth by wrapping it around the lower half of your head. At the same time by wrapping it over your nose and mouth you are also increasing the temperature of the air you breathe in which means the cold is additionally less harsh on your lungs and less likely to aggravate any breathing problems you may have.

Lastly, gloves are slightly less important because you can keep your hands warm by putting them in your pockets. However they should still be considered as they allow your fingers and knuckles to stay warm which are areas susceptible to frost nip and this allows you to use them for tasks."

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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
over 10 years ago

Next Step ... 100 Scarves with Hats & Gloves for Street Pastor / Light of the World Ministries

WOW! You rock! After just one day I've raised more than 10% of my goal. THANK YOU for sharing and donating.

I swapped a few messages with Street Pastor (Light of the World Ministries) who serves those who are homeless in the Jax Beach area, and I am delighted to tell you that I've committed 100 scarves from this campaign to help the ministry, where he serves people in need year round. Because of your help, he'll be able offer warmth to the men and women he serves.

You can learn more about Light of the World here:

Thank you for your support, love and help to keep others warm.

Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out: .

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Michelle Chance-Sangthong posted a new update:
over 10 years ago

Keeping Others Warmer ...

Today is one of the coldest days we'll have in Jacksonville since last winter, and at least 6 more people will be warmer tonight. THANK YOU for the inspiration and support. This happens because of YOU!

So far I've left a few on benches. Gave a few to Florence Haradin of Conscious Market who always has folks in need of a little extra warmth, and then personally gave 6 individuals gloves and a scarf. The thanks and hugs make it SO WORTHWHILE.

Since I've added gloves (hats coming soon) I can't just hang the scarves around yet, I haven't quite figured out the best way to attach the pieces together so they're not lost. I am open to suggestions.

Once we do have more funding, I'll coordinate with those who want to volunteer to help schedule cutting, packaging, distributing the warmth around our city. I won't wait until the campaign is over, we will start receiving funding from the campaign in just a few days, and I'll coordinate my efforts to purchase as much materials as possible for the best prices.

Folks on Facebook have shared the idea and want to start campaigns in their cities ... please do, the more we help, the merrier.

THANK YOU ... And you can help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out: .

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Patrick & Katie Glynn commented with a $25 donation:
almost 10 years ago
Thanks for all you do Michelle! We are glad to be a part of it!
Deleted User commented with a $10 donation:
almost 10 years ago
woot! #rethinkhomelessness
Frieda Saraga commented with a $50 donation:
about 10 years ago
Amazing project
Camille Gregg commented with a $125 donation:
about 10 years ago
Great job!
MelanieandDanny Burr commented with a $10 donation:
about 10 years ago
I miss seeing you and having our lil chats
Meisha Werley commented with a $25 donation:
about 10 years ago
i can bomb for you it was one of the most rewarding things I did last year :) love you!
Rikke Ravnborg commented with a $25 donation:
about 10 years ago
always making a difference in any endeavor. Great idea, Michelle. You are an incredible soul.
Karen Kurycki commented with a $50 donation:
about 10 years ago
I'm not sure if I can make it on Saturday, I'm going to try my hardest—but here is a small gift to help you reach your goal!
Michelle Chance-Sangthong commented with a $15 donation:
about 10 years ago
In Honor of Brylee, Kynzee, & Natalee for your hardwork in your own community to feed those who may be hungry this past holiday season!
Michelle Tappouni commented with a $25 donation:
about 10 years ago
Thank you Michelle!
Ken & Yvonne Harper commented with a $25 donation:
about 10 years ago
Thank you, Michelle, for your positive inspiration and the goodness that you share in our community.
Lynne' Harris commented with a $25 donation:
about 10 years ago
You are THE BEST Michelle!
Jean Clance commented with a $25 donation:
about 10 years ago
Thanks, Michelle!
Anonymous commented with a $15 donation:
about 10 years ago
Terrific way to help!
Mary Pratt commented with a $10 donation:
over 10 years ago
Thank you for all you do.
Khristina Bowen commented with a $100 donation:
over 10 years ago
You are such an inspiration!
Kim Knapp commented with a $25 donation:
over 10 years ago
Honored to be a part of your project!
Amanda Brace commented with a $25 donation:
over 10 years ago
Thank you for the difference you are making in Jacksonville!
Wyanne Thompson commented with a $50 donation:
over 10 years ago
Thank you for your hard work and dedication.
Terri Hurst commented with a $25 donation:
over 10 years ago
Bless you for doing this! And Happy Birthday!!!

/ #scarfbombjax