Joe and Sarah - Odyssey of the Mind World Finals

Joe and Sarah - Odyssey of the Mind World Finals

From Kahlil Gunther

Joe & Sarah are on teams that made it to Odyssey of the Mind World Finals! If you'd like to help them out, or if you are just a fan of creative problem solving, consider donating!

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Maurice Ayars commented with a $25 donation:
almost 11 years ago
Good luck! Mike
The Watson Family commented with a $50 donation:
almost 11 years ago
Good luck Joe and Sarah!
Margaret B Kubiak commented with a $35 donation:
almost 11 years ago
knock 'em dead!
Julie Stanton commented with a $25 donation:
almost 11 years ago
Knock 'em dead!!
Morell Family commented with a $10 donation:
almost 11 years ago
Best of luck, Joe and Sarah!