Help Needed for Pastor Igor

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Help Needed for Pastor Igor

From Miguel Padilla

I'm raising money for a cause I care about, but I need your help to reach my goal! Please become a supporter to follow my progress and share with your friends.

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Matthew Redondo commented with a $25 donation:
over 10 years ago
Lord Jesus Christ bless you!
Anonymous commented with a $20 donation:
over 10 years ago
Best Wishes to Pastor Igor
Tenor Magallanico Gomez commented with a $40 donation:
over 10 years ago
Gomez Kryvko Family Ministries: We love you Pastor Igor and we believe that you will be healthy to keep working for the holy Kingdom of God.
Dave And Eileen Koehler commented with a $100 donation:
over 10 years ago
God bless you. You are in our prayers.
Anonymous commented with a $100 donation:
over 10 years ago
prayers for this father, husband and friend
Anonymous commented with a $40 donation:
over 10 years ago
Prayer for Healing and Hopeful Days