Help me travel to the Western State Research Conference

Help me travel to the Western State Research Conference

From Emily Harris

I have been selected to present my research at the Western State Research Conference in January, and need help with travel expenses.

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Stephen Johnson commented with a $100 donation:
about 8 years ago
Keep up the Excellent Work Emily....You're doing fantastic!!
Ginny Brown commented with a $25 donation:
about 8 years ago
My arthritic knees thank you for your studies. Who knows, maybe I'll be your patient someday.?? Tell your mom Ginny says hello.
EUgene HArris commented with a $35 donation:
about 8 years ago
Go Emily go!
Karla Jones commented with a $50 donation:
about 8 years ago
Congratulations and good luck Emily!
Loree A Schaeffer commented with a $50 donation:
about 8 years ago
Good luck Emily! What a great cause. Very proud of you ?