Closing our campaign to help Fightfigters in Bolivia

Closing our campaign to help Fightfigters in Bolivia

From Pablo Navia

Fundraising to help directly a firefighters group of 200 volunteers in the Chiquitanian Dry Forest in Bolivia, the wild fire is huge and reaches up to the amazon.

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Pablo Navia commented:
over 5 years ago
last night firefighters had to retrieve because of high winds, they were fighting for their own lives, cheer them heroes
Pablo Navia commented:
over 5 years ago
Dear all, I used to work for the wildfire control project in Bolivia and I know this folks, they are in desperate need of basic equipment!!!
Pablo Navia commented:
over 5 years ago
Thank you for your generosity, please share this page with your friends!! San Jose de Chiquitos Firefighters are encouraged!
Rosario Costas commented with a $25 donation:
over 5 years ago
Thank you firefighters !
Lucia Navia commented with a $10 donation:
over 5 years ago