Door of Hope Matching Dollar for Dollar Campaign

Door of Hope Matching Dollar for Dollar Campaign

From Door of Hope Ministry

Help Door of Hope Ministry restore hope and freedom to those who long for a better way of LIFE by being a part of it's matching fund dollar for dollar campaign.

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Door of Hope Ministry posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #6

For years I would hurt myself again and again. Just the other week I hurt my shoulder to the extent that I had no feelings in my arm and fingers. Every movement and bump was painful. I also had severe headaches, heart murmur and asthma.
One morning in my bedroom while watching a teaching on the Father's Love God showed me a curse that was spoken over me when I was around 11 years old that I would get hurt often, that the pain would feel twice as bad and that prayers would not heal me. I broke agreement with the curse and at the very instant God spoke truth into my heart. He said, "I want to heal you, lift your arm up to Me." At first I said, "There's no way!" But He gently said again, "Lift your arm up to Me" and when I lifted my arm there was no pain! He also healed my headaches, heart murmur and asthma. When I told Jason he was stunned because before I would not let him put his hand on my head to pray.
I know that God will continue to heal and change my heart. I’m learning that it is Him that breaks the yokes and bondages by the anointing oil, (Ps.27:10) and not man. What an awesome God!

Help us finish strong! We still need approximately $7000 by midnight Saturday. Click on the picture to donate online or call the office (828-859-0126) before close of day Friday. If we reach the total amount needed then every dollar is doubled!

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Door of Hope Ministry posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #5

A real life testimony... what some people go through in childhood. Your donation helps Door of Hope care for girls who think life is hopeless, find hope. The person could not speak this but rather wrote it out because it was so painful.
"As a young girl I had to live in the cellar during the day while my siblings went to school. My father would throw me down the steps in the morning and then close and lock the door. It was dark and I couldn't see anything but I would feel scary bugs crawling around me and over me. At times my father would come down and whip me with a belt till I didn't remember what happened because everything turned black. This happened most every school day and he thought it was so funny as he would strip me naked . Mom would sit on the steps and laugh and say, "that's what you get for being born when you weren't wanted, it serves you right, whip her harder, whip her harder." I wasn't allowed to eat much and I was to scared to eat or sleep and my body hurt all over so bad.
One day somebody said I should go to Door of Hope's Hannah House. I realized this was a safe and restful place and there I met Jason and Julia Ruth who came along side and spoke into my darkness and pointed me to "Jesus" who they said came to bind up the broken hearted. "I desperately tried not to trust Jason but it didn't work very well, :) instead he pointed me to Jesus and today I am finding my inner butterfly/beauty in Jesus."

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Door of Hope Ministry posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #4

A real life testimony... what some people go through in childhood. Your donation helps Door of Hope care for girls who think life is hopeless, find hope. The person could not speak this but rather wrote it out because it was so painful.
"As a young girl I had to live in the cellar during the day while my siblings went to school. My father would throw me down the steps in the morning and then close and lock the door. It was dark and I couldn't see anything but I would feel scary bugs crawling around me and over me. At times my father would come down and whip me with a belt till I didn't remember what happened because everything turned black. This happened most every school day and he thought it was so funny as he would strip me naked . Mom would sit on the steps and laugh and say, "that's what you get for being born when you weren't wanted, it serves you right, whip her harder, whip her harder." I wasn't allowed to eat much and I was to scared to eat or sleep and my body hurt all over so bad.
One day somebody said I should go to Door of Hope's Hannah House. I realized this was a safe and restful place and there I met Jason and Julia Ruth who came along side and spoke into my darkness and pointed me to "Jesus" who they said came to bind up the broken hearted. "I desperately tried not to trust Jason but it didn't work very well, :) instead he pointed me to Jesus and today I am finding my inner butterfly/beauty in Jesus."

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Door of Hope Ministry posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #3

A real life testimony... what some people go through in childhood. Your donation helps Door of Hope care for girls who think life is hopeless, find hope. The person could not speak this but rather wrote it out because it was so painful.
"As a young girl I had to live in the cellar during the day while my siblings went to school. My father would throw me down the steps in the morning and then close and lock the door. It was dark and I couldn't see anything but I would feel scary bugs crawling around me and over me. At times my father would come down and whip me with a belt till I didn't remember what happened because everything turned black. This happened most every school day and he thought it was so funny as he would strip me naked . Mom would sit on the steps and laugh and say, "that's what you get for being born when you weren't wanted, it serves you right, whip her harder, whip her harder." I wasn't allowed to eat much and I was to scared to eat or sleep and my body hurt all over so bad.
One day somebody said I should go to Door of Hope's Hannah House. I realized this was a safe and restful place and there I met Jason and Julia Ruth who came along side and spoke into my darkness and pointed me to "Jesus" who they said came to bind up the broken hearted. "I desperately tried not to trust Jason but it didn't work very well, :) instead he pointed me to Jesus and today I am finding my inner butterfly/beauty in Jesus."

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Door of Hope Ministry posted a new update:
about 10 years ago

Update #2

Have you prayed about and considered helping us with the Year End Matching Fund campaign. Currently $2,155 has been donated, not included is what may be coming via mail, this means we need $37,845 to take full advantage of the $40,000 that has been offered to be matched. We need your help no matter the amount, can you Help? Click on the picture below to take you to the online giving page. Thanks

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