Alpha Xi Delta Eta Chapter Roses

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Alpha Xi Delta Eta Chapter Roses

From Fidelia Speidel

In January, the Eta Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta will be having our recruitment and as traditition alumni typically donate ~pink roses~ . We will need $300 worth of roses and a dozen roses typically cost $20 but we app...

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LIsa Orazietti commented with a $25 donation:
almost 7 years ago
xi love ????
Dr. Lori Crispi commented with a $35 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Best of luck during this pledge season!
Laura Molen commented with a $20 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Best of Luck to getting an incredible AZD Pledge Class! Xi Love, Laura Miraglia Molen AZD Pledge Class '86
Courtney Spain Aragon commented with a $50 donation:
almost 7 years ago
Xi love from your San Francisco, CA sister, Courtney Spain Aragon
Sara Niles Toth commented with a $20 donation:
almost 7 years ago
XI love to the ETA chapter! Sara (Emerson) Niles-Toth ‘90