Alpha Tau Omega fundraising for Delta Zeta Lip Sync 2016

Alpha Tau Omega fundraising for Delta Zeta Lip Sync 2016

From Ellen Ransom

Delta Zeta's annual philanthropy, Lip Sync, is taking place on February 27th and the brothers of Alpha Tau Omega would greatly appreciate any contribution to their fundraising efforts for this event!

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Allison Roat commented with a $15 donation:
almost 9 years ago
Ruh Rah!!
Grace Snyder commented with a $30 donation:
almost 9 years ago
Ruh rah!
Casey Woods commented with a $50 donation:
almost 9 years ago
Good luck Kiki and Helen!
Claudia &Jack Beacon commented with a $15 donation:
almost 9 years ago
ATO you rock! Good Luck! Jack & Claudia Beacon
Jodi Ransom commented with a $30 donation:
almost 9 years ago