Tiny House - Big Heart

Tiny House - Big Heart

From Ed Taylor

We are raising funds for materials to build a "tiny house" of 160 sq.ft. It be auctioned with all proceeds providing disaster relief through Week of Compassion.

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The "Tiny House - Big Heart" project began with a conversation on simple living and generosity between a pastor and high school senior.  Interested in architecture, David, explored the tiny house movement and designed a house.  David's father developed construction plans.

Katy, a high school sophomore took on responsibility of raising funds.  Personal gifts and fundraising projects yielded the funds to start the project and build the foundation.  To date, twenty-eight volunteers (12 - 81 years) have committed to the build.

The completed house will be auctioned this fall.  All proceeds will benefit persons served through Week of Compassion (or One Great Hour of Sharing.)  This ministry provides relief and development support to those suffering natural and man-made disasters in the United States and around the world.  This is an outreach ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).   www.disciples.org   www.weekofcompassion.org

We are excited about the community of labor and interest that has grown around this project.  Youth are learning new skills working side by side with adults who have renewed old skills.  Neighbors have come together in curiosity and lingered in conversation. 

While interest has grown dramatically, we also realize persons are eager to invest in the hope of the one who will eventually live in the house and those who will be served by the proceeds.  We invite you to join us.

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