To minister to the shut-ins, sick and dying, and bring comfort to those who mourn
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This country is full of forgotten people. They are without a voice; shut in, dying and scared, mourning a loss, and without hope. Some of these poor folk only have contact with the outside world through the internet. Our ministry intends to minister to them by means of the internet. We intend to visit with the shut-ins and bring the Lord’s love to them. We want to visit the hospitals and hospices to comfort and witness those in need. Finally, we want to officiate funerals for those who cannot afford a priest. We offer those services on our site for those who can pay. Those paid services are forecasted deficient to raise the money needed for supplies, transportation, and a paid staff person. Your gift will bring us that much closer to realizing our mission to deliver the Word to those who need it most. God Bless
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