I'm on a team from my church to go on a two week mission's trip to Thailand! We will be teaching English lessons at a christian camp that shares the Gospel with the Thai people!
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Ever since I was nine years old, it's been my dream to go to Thailand on a mission's trip. I read every book about Thailand in the children's section of the library. I even attempted to teach myself the Thai language! But I have never been. I caught Lyme disease when I was fifteen, and because I was sick I could never go on any of the trips with my church. But now that I'm 98% recovered, I'm able to fulfill my dreams and serve the people of Thailand on a two week mission's trip with a team from my church this fall! I can't wait! :) But I need your help. I need to raise $2,000 dollars to buy my ticket and other travel expenses. Won't you consider helping me? Even a drop in the bucket helps! Thank you! If for any reason the trip is canceled (due to political situations, etc.) the donated money will be put into a fund at my church for future church mission's trips.
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