This page was created to raise funds for my Sister to afford drug rehab. Sadly, she has chosen to leave. I have been asked to leave this page up so that amazing humans can help us, help her girls. Love to you all!
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Staci has chosen to leave the facility. Thank you all for the amazing support and love that you have shown. I am so thankful for each and every one of you. I know that my Sister will be grateful as well, once her mind is clear. I know that one day it will be. I will never give up hope. For now my focus has to be on her girls. I have yet to tell them. I do not know how. They had so much hope. We all did.
I do not understand addiction from an addicts view. I know that it has to be more powerful than anything that I could understand. If it makes you turn your back on saving our own life, if it is more powerful than a Mother's love for her children. I had to take custody of the girls again. One of the most painful things that I have done. I knew what I had to do...but that did not make it any easier. Everyone wants to put their labels on Staci. I hate having to walk through the logistics of it all. She is not the labels that some place on her. She is beautiful. She is amazing. She is so very loved. She is NOT what she is doing right now. The devil has her in his grips. She is not this addiction.
I have not taken sent any of this money to the facility yet, as it was all due at one time. They gave me a few days grace period to find the money. You guys came through! What amazing souls you are. The money would have been non refundable. Praise God I did not take anything out and send it to them yet. I would not let myself "go there" with the what if option. Sadly, now I have to. To those that have so generously offered for us to keep the money in a fund for the girls, we will accept your offer. We are a hard working family. BUT we have been down this road before, and know how difficult it was then. We receive no assistance in the form of child support. Their Father is already several thousand dollars in rears to us from the last time we had custody of the girls, and the last time I heard from him he had no intention in changing that. Let's just call it what it is and cut the crap. I am so over it.
That being said, The girls do need things. Emma needs shoes. We have purchased some things for them when Peeble's was closing. 80 percent off was a big deal! They both need haircuts. I did my best at a trim at home. We have done what we can. Sometimes at the expense of the rest of our fam. I know that one day our little ones will understand the sacrifices that we had to make, and it will make them understand and have compassion for their fellow humans. So here it is. If I can accept help for my Sister, that is not ready to accept help. Then her girls deserve the same dedication from me. I will not be too proud to let others help her little ladies. If you would like for us to keep your donation and use it for Emma & Hannah, we will do just that. Please message me to let me know what to do with your donation. No judgements. I get it. Life is expensive. At the request of several, I will leave this site open until Monday. Please know that your donations will only be used for her girls. While Michael and Scarlett are her children as well, Derek and I have been raising them since the age of 9-10 ( and really, before that as well). Michael is working now and Scarlett is Army bound- March 20!! Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. Our little Lu (Lucy Lou) will be an Army Engineer!!!!!
Beauty from Ashes. God has been faithful. THEY WILL ALL BE A SUCCESS STORY!!
We love you all. I will never give up hope for my baby Sister. For now I will continue to take care for those that cannot care for themselves. God is the only one that can change my Sisters path. Please pray for her.
Thank you for being an amazing human. None of us get through this life without one another. It takes a village. Thank you for being a part of our village.
* I had to put a number on the goal for donations. I have set it to $5,000. I will send updates and receipts to those that donate so that you know your money is going towards the cost of raising her girls*
We will keep you posted.
Derek & Amber
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