Mission to Peru

Mission to Peru

From Bailey CL

This page will be regularly updated with requests as they are needed! If you have a specific fund to give to, add such to your donation note! There are 64 children at Casa, school started this month!

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04/21 Six weeks into school and busier than before. Donations now are most needed for winter apparel/activities and to assist with cab fees to another orphanage we supply with water and fresh fruit.

03/22 With the start of school, all things ‘school supplies’ are in the works, along with warmer clothes as the summer heat has departed and nighttime comes earlier in the evening! Three children are to be welcomed next week- The 7-year-old girl inquired during the start of her intake, “I want to go to school, but I don’t have any notebooks. Will you have some for me here?”

02/13 7 children were welcomed last Monday! Sponsors and support are highly hoped for and needed :)

01/23 Find and send wished for items here! 


01/20 Since my arrival, I have been able to witness the needs and can now request such! As summer has just begun, more recreation time has also commenced- The most favored activities are soccer and volleyball, but there is only a soccer ball option for both sports. The older and more used the soccer ball, the better on the forearms during volleyball- I am grateful to see the use these families get out of each item no matter how it appears. Too, they don't have fundamental and practiced sports as I had in the U.S. but they have knowledge of most sports and the most basic set of rules to play it, and do so while smiling a lot. So, with a donation of volleyballs, I was asked to run volleyball skills for their summer months until March!

12/27  Thank you for your openness to join this mission to Peru beginning in January! 

My final necessities to depart for mission is to gather nutritional supplements (i.e. vitamins, probiotics) and first aid supplies to bring. Additional funds raised beyond this goal will be donated to the following projects and repairs within the orphanage: Roof and property wall rebuilds.

Please contact me, in addition, if you have any tangible items listed (vitamins/clothing) (unopened/with tags) that you would like to donate and add to my luggage next month!

Regardless of having sent a donation, if you would like to receive updates during my time in South America, certainly fill out the following form with such request: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1qbYmuzd0rNxU6I2dyikXqAJ0ErGYiSdvdIqgyGPr3Gs/edit

Mailing addresses are preferred in addition!

Most excited and grateful-


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