I am raising money so my father can obtain to Appellate, in a legal battle against the Nevada State Prison System, 24 years of Supremacy, Corruption and Greed.
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(This statement is from my father, I control the fundraising) Dear Brothers and Sisters of the United States, let me start by telling you the reason I am asking for your help in this fundraising opportunity. First, I assure you that EVERY single penny donated will go strictly to the expenses described in the following paragraph. The reason I am in desperate dire NEED of your help and generosity is because I am an incarcerated man in the State of Nevada for the past 24 years. I have always proclaimed my innocence, but as a poor man then, and a poor man still, the availability of effective representation is almost non-existent. However, in recent discoveries, new and maybe not so new, but unbeknownst to me due to my legal litigative ignorance, issues have come to light. And so, I am trying to raise $100,000 for appellate attorney fees. I understand this is a high number. Due to the age of the case, 24 years. There will be extensive research and investigation needed. I am even open to the possibility of somebody with lengthy appellate experience to assist if they are open to pro bono and bringing the injustice of this case to the frontlines via media. I have already submitted and started the appeal process called a Writ of Habeas Corpus. I did attempt to acquire an attorney via court appointed by the court, but the judge denied this request. I am an open book. You can find my current case status under case no. A-22-849848-W in the Eight Judicial District Court Clark County, Nevada - CAMPBELL v CHILDERS
During my time incarcerated, as my initial appeals were coming to an end. All failing. The then prosecutor of my case Deputy District Attorney David Roger in 2011 was exposed for taking "MONETARY DONATIONS" from the affluent (The Hiltons). After the scandal between Roger and Paris Hilton broke making National news, Roger, was forced to step down. Here, the question is, how long has he been taking monies for legal lenient favors? As we all know, it usually is not the first time when a person is caught. Coincidentally, around the same time David Roger is being outed, my then trial defense attorney (one of the two), Stanley Walton, was being sent to federal prison in Lompoc, California for fraudulent monetary federal crimes. Here's the kicker! In 2022, I reached out to someone who was a witness the night of the incident (the incident which led to my incarceration) and was scheduled to testify at my trial in 2001: He and his fiancée, who he was in an exclusive relationship with in 2001 and still together today, stated that while they waited outside of the courtside, my second half of my defense counsel, David Schiek, handed him a monetary check and stated that "He would not be needed to testify at trial for, Damon". Both the witness and his fiancée have furnished me with certified signed and notarized affidavits, (See GROUND NINE / Case No. A-22-849848-W). What do they ALL have in common? Dirty money and corruption.
Nevada has been given the moniker 'The Mississippi of the West'. And rightfully so, so due to its archaic application of law in the 1970s-2010. Nevada, Las Vegas police, D.As and judges were enticed to use these methods to tame the organized criminal influences, however, became so accustomed to the results, began applying them to the everyday community. Prior to the arrest and conviction of this unjust process, I was a registered voter and legal "open carry" registered firearm owner.
On the late evening of July 21, 2000. Early morning of July 22, 2000, as I pulled into my apartment complex parking lot, I noticed an individual standing directly in front of my toddler children bedroom window(Daughter 3½ & Son 18mon.). I parked and exited my vehicle approached the man noticing 2 more men crouching down while the man standing was urinating directly under my children's bedroom windowsill. I interrupted his peeing. I politely expressed that this was my children's bedroom window. H expressed his apologies. I took notice through his speech he was intoxicated. I turned to walk away. As I walked away, I heard the dropping of liquid which caused me look back, I see the same guy urinating again with a defiant look as if to say, "I don't have to listen to you". I turned and asked him to please move away from the window. He objected, an argument brewed, he then physically pushes me, causing a fight to pursue, in the midst of the alteration 8 to possibly 10 men arrived from the blindside of the apartment building, seeing the multitude number of men I grew weary and nervous. In the end of this situation, one man lost his life and the other paralyzed, the man who lost his life had .24 percent blood alcohol level (.14 of the legal limit in the State of Nevada) stated by the Las Vegas Sun News. During the trial of this case, media outlets, witnesses, and others. expeditiously painted the situation to be Racially Motivated thus labeling the case a Hate Crime sentencing me to Death (Later changed to Life Imprisonment). During the trial, I was treated unjustly with no fair fight although my plea was of Self Defense, the court did not budge an inch for they completely engulfed the perspective that because I am a Black American and the Victims were of Hispanic Descent, I was a racist.
*The point of this fundraiser is to raise enough funds to be given a FAIR trial and ruling.
Inmate Contact Information-
*If using an online prison such as Securus Technologies to contact me you must use #0071683
Damon L. Campbell #71683
Ely State Prison P.O. Box 1989 Ely, Nevada 89301
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