Clean Water for Maslandapur
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There are 13 million people drinking arsenic contaminated water in West Bengal, India. This is an unfortunate naturally occuring geological phenomenon in the valleys outside the Himalayas.
As you know I recently had an amazing journey here, one that got me closer to this global issue and I have become more impassioned about solving it. I made some wonderful friends and learned so much during my stay. India is now in my heart forever. My goals is to raise $3,000 to help provide clean water to 400 people. To have your help in providing this community clean water would mean so much to me and give healthy life to others in need. Accessiblity to clean water transforms lives.
More about the issue:
Arsenic is tasteless and invisible but causes terrible illness and disease. The NGO and non-profts I work with provide community based solutions that are relatively low cost.
Since 2001, Project Well and Aqua Welfare Society have been providing arsenic-safe water to the rural communities by constructing shallow dugwells that tap water from unconfined aquifers that contains no arsenic. The dug well design is familiar to villages - they are inexpensive and easy to maintain. These water sources are sustainable by developing community-based programs so users take responsibility for their own wells. More than 7,000 people use water from these wells. They provide long-term guidance and assistance to users, unlike many other water projects that are installed and left unsupported. Project Well aslo educates communities on proper sanitation and personal hygiene practices as well as the affects of drinking arsenic or bacteria contaminated water.
Project Well is a member of Blue Planet Network. Blue Planet Network is working to unite the global water, sanitation and hygiene sector to improve the impact of safe drinking water projects worldwide. Blue Planet Network's transparent online platform enables implementing and funding members from around the world to come together to share learning, showcase plans and continually manage, monitor and analyze projects. 2006, Blue Planet Network’s 100+ member organizations have equipped more than 1,500,000 people in 27countries with safe drinking water and improved sanitation. Blue Planet Network fosters collaboration between its members, improves water project implementers’ abilities and project sustainability, enables donors to make smarter investment decisions at lower costs, and creates an open water data clearinghouse to improve the quality of all efforts.
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With love,
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