Dear friends, help, please, a creative invalid whose tireless work is intended on other same people with disabilities!
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Help My So Talented Mom
Deafeat Hip Fracture Medical Expenses!!!
Dear kind people all over the world, help, please, the handicapped person of the II-group, a talented poet and translator retro songs' and romances' lyrics to contimue her creativity for the benefit of all people of our Planet!
Dear friends, my name is Alexander Prokofiev (Vozovik), 1962, I an a singer-composer, in 1993 I have graduated the Conservatory in Kharkov, Ukraine by speciality of orchestra conducting, I'm an invalid of the III-group. Our family is distant relatives to the roots of the family of great composer Sergey Prokofiev.
My mother Raissa Prokofieva, she is very talented poet-interpreter, she write lyrics to the songs and romances, including the songs straight away written in English and in German, too.
At present time we live in Hungary, Buk, and despite the fact of our disabilities and of the dificulties associated with health, because with my mother we're all the same creative people, we are actively engaged in socially useful activities aimed at the same people with disabilities and elderly, performing before this category of citizens with our charitable concerts in retro style on a free basis in many European countries, although we love really so much the U. S. A. and sure magnificent american people, too!:
(for English version click the captions on YouTube below the window)
In our family "Retro" tandem we're working on our creative Project named as "Retro songs and romances in Language of the Foreigh Listener" with aim to convey to the hearts of listeners around the world all extraordibary beauty and depth of the content of musical singing culture of our fathers, mothers and grand-fathers.
With our unique concert program we have successfully performed with the retro concerts not once before the foreign and domestic aidience in Europe and at home where our tandem "Retro" were adopted with great enthusiasm by the public from all over the Globe until my mother got a very serious leg injury in area of the femoral neck!
For several months, Raissa Nikolayevna being injured could not get out of bed. Our future creative activity stood in jeopardy!
But my mother squeezed her pain and infirmity in the fist, while continued to write lyrics to our songs and we contimued to prepare our program for the European elderly and disabled people. Thans to the incredible superhuman efforts my mothe got up and through the pain went with me to the concerts, where we showed all the world our art multiyear creativity!
Nowadays Raissa Prokofieva takes a long period of recovery after the injury, but does not cease to engage in creative work for the benefit of other people! Our activity is directed primarily on older people, pensioners and disabled persons, with my mother we organize and conduct a lot of charity, emphasizing - free of charge concerts for the invalids and for the elderly in many diffenet countries of Europe!
At present I should like to provide a radical reductvie treatment for my mother abroad, nut it's very difficult to make it alone myself because I am a disabled pensioner of the third group, too, and most importantly, since this costs of such rehabilitation treatment outside the country are not covered at all by our medical insurance! Therefore I need fast to raise funds to pay not small expenses for this goal!
I hope really so much on your kind help and participation, my friends, that you not refuse us, and we shall be able to continue our kind creativity for the benefit of you and of many people around the world!!!
We with my mother are so really grateful for your human compassion, warm support and kind help, dear friends, in all sizes as much as possible! We love all of you forever!!!!!
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