Seeking funding for credit card debt reduction and building new home-based business that will allow me to work from home and send more time with family.
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My name is Mike. I'm the one on the far left. I have a family with kids ranging from 24 all the way down to three. Yeah, the last one was a bit of a surprise.
My wife is a stay at home mother. Many years ago we decided it would be better for the kids to have their mother at home instead of being raised by a daycare. While she could have worked, the financial gain was not enough to make sense after the costs associated with daycare, additional car, etc.
With only having a single income things are always tight and unfortunately we've had to rely on credit cards to help make it through some months. Because of this we have racked up credit card debt of over $30,000.
I work for a local firm in their IT Department. If you know anything about the IT career field, you will know that most of the important work happens after closing. This means I regularly have to spend many long hours at work.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my job and the people I work with. It's just that with me being gone so many hours away from home that I miss too much going on with the family. For my first two boys I was virtually non-existent in their lives. Thankfully, due to my wife being home, they turned out ok. Having this last child made me realize that I need to change some things in my life. I need to be able more present in my family's life.
For the longest time I've wanted to start my own business and be able to work from home. Once I could do that, I can set my own hours and spend more time with my family. Unfortunately, because of the lack of a second income and stifling credit card debt I am not able to start the business.
So that's why I'm here! I am asking for your help to build up capital and pay off debt so that I can start a home-based business that will help me get out of debt but also will allow me to be available to my family.With the debt paid off I will not have the pressure of making those payments each month and it will let focus on growing my business.
With these funds I will purchase the needed equipment (computer, printer, etc), renovate one of our bedrooms into an office, and pay off credit card debt.
Your donation would mean so much to me as I begin growing this venture. I have looked into borrowing from a bank but the credit card debt is already too much and I cannot afford to take on more debt.
It's always hard asking for money, but I cannot see any other way to get funds to allow me to do what I need to accomplish my goal.
I do thank you for taking the time to look at this and for your consideration.
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