Healing Families

Healing Families

From Whiskey Wagon

We are working to raise funds to heal the damage done to our families. To start, paying back Child Support will show good will and begin the process of forgiveness. +2 new babies.

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Update #8

about 11 years ago

The count down draws ever closer. 4 days left. I've had some donations outside fundly which puts the total at $820.

Thanks to everyone who's given. I still need another $3,000 to get my drivers license back. Any last minute help will be a big help and greatly appreciated.

I'll have court coming up on this issue (again) soon...and avoiding jail is a top priority. A (nother) year in jail would be greatly damaging to my family. So, I'm trying to head that off at the pass, so to speak.

It's good to know you have friends who you can call on and actually do help. I was in despair before this and now I'm pretty hopeful.

Thanks to all those who've been such a blessing.

Also, any ideas are welcome. As ideas have great value and are a great commodity. Besides money...a car that runs...well enough would be appreciated, as I intend to be able to drive soon.

Thanks and bless you all:
Eddie, Meaghan, Wren & New Baby...due any minute now.
Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out: http://fundly.com/healing-families

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Whiskey Wagon posted a new update:
about 11 years ago

I have a few days left... Sobering.

The count down draws ever closer. 4 days left. I've had some donations outside fundly which puts the total at $820.

Thanks to everyone who's given. I still need another $3,000 to get my drivers license back. Any last minute help will be a big help and greatly appreciated.

I'll have court coming up on this issue (again) soon...and avoiding jail is a top priority. A (nother) year in jail would be greatly damaging to my family. So, I'm trying to head that off at the pass, so to speak.

It's good to know you have friends who you can call on and actually do help. I was in despair before this and now I'm pretty hopeful.

Thanks to all those who've been such a blessing.

Also, any ideas are welcome. As ideas have great value and are a great commodity. Besides money...a car that runs...well enough would be appreciated, as I intend to be able to drive soon.

Thanks and bless you all:
Eddie, Meaghan, Wren & New Baby...due any minute now.
Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out: http://fundly.com/healing-families

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Whiskey Wagon posted a new update:
about 11 years ago

I should write country songs...except my life is too unbelievable. ...inquire for the details.

My friend and I were joking recently about how his life could be a country song...I laughed and thought of my own, and it was just too far out to put into words...and who'd believe it? I hardly do.Perhaps a book would be better. I'd have more than a few stanzas to say something.

Anyway, I wanted to say thanks to all those who've given so far...and all those who will. You've made it possible to get through the holidays. You gave me hope in dark times...and when i thought I had nothing to give my wife and daughters, at least I had some hope to go on. And not fret through those days. We're really blessed and I'm thankful. I continually know that this will get taken care of. But as it stands now. I need another $3,400 to get my drivers license back...and I have court in the moUrning. ...I know I spelled it wrong. Pray for me/us.

I hope to see and talk to you all soon.

Peace: Eddie, Meaghan, Wren & New Baby...due any minute now, actually.

PS - and thanks to all those who gave to Meaghans fund to pay for the midwives! Love you guys. Ciao

hmmm...maybe a book?

Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out: http://fundly.com/healing-families

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Whiskey Wagon posted a new update:
about 11 years ago

Huge Thanks for the Donations!

I just wanted to offer my great and humble gratitude to all that have given to this cause. I know it takes a giant heart to give at all, let alone, to something that is someone elses responsibility. Therefore, my thanks are voluminous and heart felt. As, I know, it takes an elevated being of light to take on someone elses burden and help them with it instead of going, ""Hey, that's your bag of crap...you carry it."

All of these difficulties in my life have been teaching me some very difficult lessons from a perspective that requires that I actually experience the meaning and learning...and so, I'll never forget.

My hope now, is that someday, I too, will be able to lift the burdens of others. It's a greatly noble thing when seen from the eyes of the person in need. Someday, I too, will be the helping hand.

One thing that I'd like to do in the mean time is to give the music that I've been working on for years to anyone who has donated. It may still be some time before it's released. But that is at least one thing that I can do to get started thanking people. I've got some things that I think will be ready to release individually pretty soon. So, for anyone, who's not totally anonymous...or wants the music to download, just give me some kind of contact: email, phone, facebook, etc. and I'll be sure to give you a download link to the music I'm working on, as it goes. More to come on that later.

I don't mean to sound stupid, but when I started this. I really didn't think anyone would give a $h!t. But, once again, my friends have totally surprised me. So, "THANK YOU!" THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" What else can I offer right now?

One of the greatest gifts of all this was to realize that I (we) are loved. Not just loved, but cared for by some pretty great people. I was insanely depressed when I started this and it was kind of a last ditch effort. It was something to help me hang on. And now, it's become hope and an inspiration.

My current goal is $4,000. I need that in order to get my drivers license back (which I lost for not paying child support)...not obstreperously, I might add, but because I had no money! I'm already at $500! Which is awesome and amazing! And gives me more hope. So, if you can give it, we'd appreciate it and our family would benefit hugely, as then I could drive...legally. Without fear of jail, and court costs, and fines and more damage to my family that we can't afford. Giving to this cause will actually make a large difference in this family and allow us to start living and taking care of ourselves.

The government (courts) only have the power to damage people (families). Lets turn that around and make this family a success.

So, here's to all of you who've given already...and to those who will. Many thanks!

Cheers! (See the pic!)

Eddie, Meaghan, Wren & New Baby.

Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out: http://fundly.com/healing-families

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Whiskey Wagon posted a new update:
about 11 years ago

Where the hell is my daughter? I don't know.

It's been months and I haven't spoken with my daughter "Sarah". Her phone doesn't work. Well actually, I dialed her old phone number and got in an argument with the guy who answered. I asked if Sarah was there and he got rude and hung up. I called back and he told me not to call his F*$&ing phone. Well, I had some choice words before I regained my composure. With some research I found that I was dialing Sarah's old number and felt like a genius. In any case, no response on FaceBook. We'll have to track her down. So, if anyone has any mutual contacts, insight, or special (ESP) skills, I'd like to hear it. Any help on this would be appreciated.

In better news, someone... I'm not sure who yet, gave to this fund but we're hugely appreciative, as I had given up...again.

Let me remind you that our first goal is $4000. because that is the cost of getting my drivers license back. VA law says 5% of the total amount owed, plus a full months payment, plus some interest, plus DMV and other fees, etc. It turns out to be right around 4K. So, if $75,000 sounds ridiculous, help me get my license and then I can start to earn some money myself.

Thanks again to everyone to takes the time to read this at all. Eventually, thanks to your help, we'll make it.

Prayers are also, good donations. Feel free to list them too as they are priceless!

I've been told countless times to "Get a job", but there are some very pertinent details that preclude that. Allow me to elucidate:
1. I have no drivers license.
2. If you owe child support, VA can garnish your wages up to 55%. Add 30% for taxes and you have 85% deduction from your pay. 15% of a small to medium paycheck is not possible to survive on...with a wife and two other kids at home.
3. Felony convictions make any job hunt nearly impossible. I've searched and tried since April of 2007, when I was last employed...and fired.
4. Presently, we have one road worthy car. The other is an old F250 that we use for firewood and failed inspection.I can't leave a pregnant wife at home with no car. So, here is another opportunity, any road-worthy cars/trucks are welcome.

I'm not one to make excuses. I work hard everyday. I went to Iraq out of choice, as a civilian. I've always sought challenging positions. Now, I have a challenge that I haven't been able to overcome. But I believe we will. In time. But any help is welcome.

Thanks again for your time and attention on this.

Eddie, Meaghan, Wren & Baby on the way.

Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out: http://fundly.com/healing-families

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Whiskey Wagon posted a new update:
about 11 years ago

Is it illegal to be poor?...

I've been doing some personal research since 2005 and it seems that there is some grand plan to incarcerate everyone...everyone, for whom an excuse can be contrived. I know, I know, this is the home of the free..land of the...whatever. Just try to exercise your rights and you'll find out how free you are. Try to camp on public land and it won't take long for the authorities to wake you up and ask "Is there a problem here?" In any case, I've been feeling the manifestations of a litany of civil codes (otherwise known as laws). There is a BIG difference between LAW and code. It seems 5 states have ignored the constitution pertaining to debtors prison and child support. In those (VA being one), if you can't pay whatever amount the judge adjudicates, you have somehow broken "the Law". In my case, the judge said I should be able to pay $1,400 per month (back in 2006) and not being able to pay is the same as intentionally choosing not to pay. Well I lost my job in 2007 and have not been even close to paying that amount ever since. The judge was happy to sentence me to a year in jail for such (in JAN 2011). A move which surprisingly is unhelpful to me and my family and the child for whom I'm supposed to pay. I did some more research and found that there are many people suffering from the same legal system for not having enough money to make themselves "legal".
Here's one of many articles:

And here is another choice article:

I'm doing my best to avoid landing my family on the street. But opportunities seem few these days. If you've been fortunate, maybe you can help?

Thanks again we appreciate it.

Eddie, Meaghan, Wren & New Baby

Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. http://fundly.com/healing-families #GivingTuesday

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Whiskey Wagon posted a new update:
about 11 years ago

Is it really hopeless?...I had to ask, so I called DCSE

I was talking to a lady at the Department of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE) recently and had to ask a vital question. Now I don't know how many years this lady had worked there, but she's answered the phone for the many years that I've been calling.I had to know one thing: "Has anyone, ever, succeeded in paying off such a large child support debt?" (That she knew of...). Well the interesting answer that she gave was terse, but to the poignant point: no. Hmmm, if this doesn't work...at all? Then why are so many guys (and gals) in jail (for long periods) and without drivers licenses for this purpose? One might think such tortures would motivate greater success, but apparently not.

I know few people bet on the under-dog, for some psychological reason, people want to be right, even if it's not the best imagined outcome. But if you could HELP that underdog to win, wouldn't it be neat to have had a hand in someone else's success in the face of great adversity? You can say, "I had a hand in that".

There are already many people that can say that about my life. Many people have helped us. That's why we're still here. And we're going to keep on going, no matter what. We have to, we have kids. And that removes all other choices. In any case, we're going to make it and you can be part of that success...or not...you choose. Thanks again!
Pass this on...as with enough exposure and a dollar a piece, we'll reach our goal.

Eddie, Meaghan, Sarah, Wren & Baby

Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out: http://fundly.com/healing-families

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Whiskey Wagon posted a new update:
about 11 years ago

Here's a lesson for you...well, actually me.

Don't pick the biggest bully in the world (US GOV & Court System) and poke him in the eye.
I became disgruntled with my former employer (aka The Beast) and decided I'd opt out of the whole debacle. Well, as most mafias go, they don't just let you go...so easily. They've got bills to pay too, and need surfs to do all that for them. So, walking off your Lords land is punishable by a "flying elbow from the sky". ...Off the top cloud. So when I yelled at the judge in court and told him he should be ashamed of himself and some other mumbo jumbo about me having rights and some forgotten reference about the "constitution", he tossed me in the can. As I remember, this happened more than once. But on one occasion, "the man" sentenced me to a year for failure to pay child support. Like I said before, by miracles, Meaghan & her family, I was rescued. Left to sulk in my patriotic revolutionary juices...for a few years... Oh yeah, and with no drivers license, since January of 2011. So, after stewing awhile, I've figured it out...yup, it was a bad idea. But, I stood up for what I believed, at the time. So, after peeling myself off the proverbial mat I decided to make things work and tried to get my license back and support my family...oh yeah, and my remarried x-wife and daughter. But, I learned that I'd have to pay $4000 to get my drivers license back. Oh, but I don't have a job or a drivers license... to earn the $4,000. Catch 22. The total I'll owe by August of next year, when my daughter is 18, will be $75,000. So, I thought, instead of giving up, going into hiding, leaving the country, or offing myself...well, at least I'll ask for help. So, here I am. Admitting to my vast stupidity and multiple bad decisions. But in need and asking the world/internet/facebook/you for a hand. All I need is for 75 people to give a $1000, or 150 people to give $500, or 300 people to give $250, or a 1000 people to give $75. It's really not so hard. Well, the math is not hard, it's the people and giving. Thanks for your help.

Eddie, Meaghan, Sarah, Wren & New Baby

Help me reach my campaign goal on #Fundly! You can donate as much or little as you want. Check it out: http://fundly.com/healing-families

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Whiskey Wagon posted a new update:
about 11 years ago

I never thought it would come to this...

Since losing my job in 2007, I thought, for sure, I'd have work soon, as I always had, and didn't worry. I worked hard to find work. I applied for hundreds of jobs and started countless of my own companies. To no avail. It was a bad time to be on the bottom with the economy and all.
Shortly after, Meaghan and I moved to Rappahannock and did our best to start a life and make it successful, but the cards seemed stacked against us in many ways.But we were optimistic and would no give up so easily. She developed her sewing / costuming business, I started a computer company and we both played music...and even took our music on the road and played on the street for change. All the while, I continued to apply for work. It's been a beautiful, but very hard time and things seem to have become more difficult of late. The whole time, I had the challenge of a $1400 per month child support payment that was stacking up. The amount was adjudicated back when I had a job in the fall of 2006. Since 2007 I haven't been able to get it reduced. Though, I'm still working on that. In any case, I was always sure things would work out...and in many ways, I still am. Though my late failures have led me to more desperate measures...begging. My pride has, mostly, heretofore precluded this. Though I've had many gracious friends and family who've helped us in myriad ways.
So, here we are...with "Winter Coming"...and Wrens birthday, and Christmas (or Yule) and my options seem to have waned. It looks as though, with this child support debt, it'll never be paid, though I pay a small amount toward it monthly. It is not my intent to pay a little every month for eternity, but to address this debt and settle it. I believe it'll be done. Though I've come to realize, probably not through conventional methods. So in my despair, I've turned to other means.
In January of 2011, I went to court for child support and was laid waste by the system and sentenced to 12 months in jail for failure to pay child support. Though they were dark days, once again, I was rescued by Meaghan and her family who did miracles to get me out. For that, I'm eternally thankful. I also lost my drivers license for that (child support) and have not regained it yet. The first $4,000 of the child support money that I raise will go to the reinstatement of my drivers license. With which, I'll have a hope of conducting business on an adult scale and making some money to support out floundering (financially) family. Let me not forget the difficulties of the family to whom I've been delinquent in paying: my X and our daughter "Sarah". Sarah is 17 now and we hardly talk and almost never see each other. Not due to choice, it's just difficult to arrange with no money or (legal) ability to drive. Personally, I don't think such policies (taking away drivers licenses) help families or the children they are supposed to help. In my case, it's clearly done huge amounts of damage and not helped Sarah at all. It has ensured that I can't pay. I live 15 miles from the closest city...the next is 35 miles. What am I, and those like me, supposed to do? In any case, your help is needed and will be greatly appreciated. More to come...
Thank you, Eddie, Meaghan, Sarah, Wren & Our unborn baby due in January.


Whiskey Wagon commented on a blog post:
about 11 years ago
I promise, more embarrassing personal details to come... Oh the shame.

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