Help me Help my Grandparents

Help me Help my Grandparents

From Finn Pierson

My grandparents are in a hostile medical environment and I need to help them as much as I can from 3000 miles away

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My grandparents are one of my biggest support systems, and if not for them I would be homeless, if even still alive.

My grandfather has always been a stoic, quiet, do it himself guy. He's a jack of all trades handyman and has taught me so much about home repair, vehicle maintenance, anything that requires hands-on you can bet he knows something about it. He drove a 5th wheel RV across the country and through Canada to follow my military-relocated family and be with us in Alaska. An RV packed full of not only my grandparents' entire life's collection of belongings, but 4 cats, a dog, and at the time, a 10-year old Goldfish. He has worked tirelessly to care for himself and my nana, from being head repair for a major tourism company to driving school-busses part time, he hates having to sit down.

Within the past two years, he has been diagnosed with not only Leukemia, but Parkinson's as well. He took it all in stride, and despite him being my Nan's biggest help, with a brand new great-grandchild, new puppy, and my brothers and I growing into our own, he's never once let it get to him where we can see.

Now, he's in the hospital, I'm on the East Coast, and the only family with the means and money to help him and my nana, would rather shove him in a care home to be forgotten. Funds from this website will go to several aspects, including assisting them to settle current hospital/ambulance (including airborne medevac) costs, and getting mobility aids for my grandpa.

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