I'm asking for assistance in order to get my license, a car and attend college as soon as possible. The closest job is 30 miles away. I have high potential, but I'm trapped in a rural town without a way to make money.
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My name is Ethan. It is good to meet you! I am a 33-year-old male that wants to go back to school someday.
In the past, social pressures led me to believe that I was supposed to apply to college immediately after high school. Honestly, I was not mentally ready or well enough to understand and take school seriously.
I know that I have high potential of success because a memory of mine includes staggering into class, hungover and flipping through an psychology exam and without trying very hard, I got an A+.
Now, it is my dream to major in psychology and/or computer technology and I couldn't take it more seriously.
I am now focused and mature. I know that if I had the chance to attend college once again, I would put in 200% and do very well.
One day, I'd love to have a family and a house. I don't even have experience in most job areas and hope to change that with your help.
I'm finding it is near impossible to accomplish this because right now, I live with my parents and brother in a small town of only 300 people and 4 businesses. Not even one of the four businesses in my town have been hiring for well over a year now.
I have no car.
I have no money.
I have no license.
My parents are highly disfunctional and don't focus on my needs in any way except making sure that there is something to eat.
Only my Dad works and he can only make enough to keep the lights on. We attain food through government assistance. Besides driving me to an appointment with my psychiatrist, my Dad wouldn't put in any time or money into my future and my Mother is an emotionally abusive person who gives me absolutely no positive attention.
I've exhausted all my resources for information. I desperately need assistance to jumpstart a new future for myself. I really don't know what else to do besides ask for help and I'm not ashamed to do so.
I'm simply asking for assistance so I can buy myself a car, in order to get a job, in order to save to start building a bridge that will allow me to walk from what literally feels like a trap to an opportunity to where I can live and apply to college once again.
There is no reason why one perfectly capable individual should be cut off from opportunity and growth simply because their immediate situation holds no possibility.
Thank you so much for reading my entry and have a blessed day!
-Ethan Torola
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