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From Dano Fargas

Develop a marketing and advertising agency, creation of web pages, online stores, web positioning services, to help small businesses expand beyond the area or neighborhood, so that you have more impact.

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 This business plan consists of the creation of a Digital Marketing and Advertising advertising agency, with all the necessary tools to help small businesses become known and thus obtain more sales and better profits.

These small businesses face new challenges, how to lead the market segments, position their brands and establish a link with consumers that guarantee long-term sustainability in the market.

 General objective

Define the business opportunity, which allows us to identify the feasibility of creating a Digital Marketing and Advertising agency.

 Specific objectives

Design a marketing plan that contains the strategies that allow the digital marketing agency to be positioned in the market segment to be served.

• Determine the service capacity of the digital advertising agency and the necessary requirements for the operation of the business.

• Establish a correct organizational structure with respect to the profile of the agency.

• Evaluate the profitability and viability of the agency through the corresponding financial indicators.

 Contribution of the Project to the local/national economy .

Small businesses nationwide produce around 50% of the country's gross domestic product. Most of the companies are made up of small or medium-sized companies that offer different products and services and generate a large number of direct jobs.

Today many companies turn to a digital marketing agency since the costs are much lower than the company itself wanting to have its own Digital Marketing and Advertising team. Not only costs are taken into account, but also the specialization of the agency, the experience, creativity and focus when proposing digital strategies and this is where we come into action to provide the necessary help in the short term.

 Strategic profile of us:


We will be a company passionate about communication with our clients, through consultancies and advisory services in planning, creativity, execution and activation of brands through reliable assistance, with human warmth, creating the best satisfaction for our clients.


We will be a leading company in the business communication market, recognized for our professionalism, honesty, dedication to service, commitment to the objectives of our clients and always seeking continuous innovation in our services.


Integrity: We are committed to doing what is right, honest and fair.

Respect : We value brands and their products in such a way that we consider ourselves part of the teams of the companies with which we will work.

Commitment and involvement : Each client is the most important thing for us. We will put our heart and brain into all of our services.

Creativity: Provide new ideas for our clients when organizing, advising on their communication and marketing strategies.

Responsibility : To have the commitment with the clients, to fulfill in the corresponding time the activities to be able to carry out or advise their campaigns.

Passion for work : that our workers identify themselves and feel comfortable with the work that must be done to fulfill our clients.

 The services to be offered would be:

Community Manager : It is the professional responsible for building, managing and administering the online community around a brand on the Internet.

Main functions of the service : creation of attractive and quality content; manage the company's corporate blog, monitor all the client's publications and news, meet the target audience.

Social Media Marketing : It is the professional in the field of online marketing who is responsible for preparing and planning the strategy of a brand or local business.

Main functions of the service : Plan and prepare the social media strategy of the brand or business. Define the objectives that the company or business, Monitor actions in this area, checking if          the planned objectives are being met and if the return on investment (ROI) is correct, Analyze the evolution of the main competitors, Know the situation within market and customer needs.

 SEO : Search Engine Optimization , refers to the processes of optimization and improvement of the visibility and presence of a web page within the results of the most famous search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo , etc. naturally or organically. This means that no payment is made to the search engine so that the positioning is better than that of the rest of the web pages.

The main techniques used are based on optimizing the content, as well as the structure of the web in such a way that the indexing and relevance that the search engines assign to the page improves.

Through these techniques, the objective is to optimize the web page in such a way that

when the client searches for some type of information relevant to our client's brand or product, it is placed in the list of search results above those of the competition.


SEM : Search Engine Marketing where the page will be positioned in the top search ranking sites, creating ad campaigns.

These are ads that contain the same words that the user is looking for and that the advertiser has previously paid for.

When the client contracts this type of campaign, they will only have to pay when the user clicks on the ad and accesses the web page.

These types of tools are provided by the search engines themselves to be advertised in their search media, as well as in their content networks.

Once the ideas of SEO and SEM have been introduced, a series of concepts will be defined with which the ROI (Return on Investment) of this type of initiative will be counted:

• Key message or keywords, describe the content of the web page giving us an idea of the content and information displayed. The choice of these words is very important because they are the ones that users will use when consulting relevant information in search engines, so if the choice is correct, the presence of the web page in search engines will increase.

• PPC: abbreviation of the Anglo-Saxon term Pay per click which means Pay per click, where the client only pays for each click that the contracted advertisement generates. There may be a situation where the ad is shown on the search engine page but it does not end up being clicked, so you will not be paid in that situation.

• CTR: acronym from the English Click through ratio, in Spanish means click ratio. It is understood as the percentage of impressions of the web page that result in clicks, this means, for every 100 times that the ad has been displayed on the screen, how many clicks have been obtained on it.

• CPC or cost per click: it is the amount of money that the client expects to pay to the search engine (Google, Yahoo , Bing, etc.), where they will insert their ads, for each click made on it.

 Web designer : in charge of designing the online store, business website, Facebook page, blog. Etc.

Graphic Designer : person in charge of all the creativity, art, designs, development of flyers, posters, banners, logos, images, videos, etc.

Brand / product branding : When designing the entire product campaign image, we will have a team of graphic design professionals who will generate different value propositions to create a promotional image from scratch that meets the needs of our customers. customers.

Application development : The applications designed by the agency are made based on prior knowledge of the client's needs in order to proceed to the implementation of an application that meets these needs in an efficient and simple way.

They are aimed at all types of platforms (Apple, Android and Windows Phone ), always seeking mobility and ease of distribution among users.

Being an agency specializing in mobile solutions, quality applications will be offered both in design and development, at low costs since it will have a highly qualified team in creating software for this type of device as well as OpenSource programming tools , which which leads to considerable savings in licenses.

 Investment plan for necessary equipment and tools:

Office equipment and services: $2,500

Computers: $1,500

Data center server: $1,000

Printer: 200

Venue rental: $3,000

Administrative Expenses (staff and work team) $7,000

Total : $15,000

 Agency organization chart:

Director and leader of the agency and partners (1)

Creative Department (1)

Programming Department (1)

Department of Administration and Finance (1)

Department (1)

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