Republishing Man and Woman in Christ

Republishing Man and Woman in Christ

From Warhorn Media

We’re bringing Man and Woman in Christ back into publication. Will you help us fund the first printing of this re-release of Stephen B. Clark’s preeminent work on biblical manhood and womanhood?

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Update #15

over 3 years ago

Today is the official release date for Man and Woman in Christ. The republication of this book would not have been possible without your support. Thank you!

One final thing you can do to help the book's visibility is to write a review on Amazon:

The book can be accessed online at, where you can also find free downloads of all electronic versions of the book.

More Info

40 years of high praise…

“This is an irenic, helpful book, and of all the multitude of books on this subject it is easily the best.”

That’s what Christianity Today had to say about Stephen B. Clark’s Man and Woman in Christ shortly after its original publication in 1980.

17 years later, Vern Poythress wrote to Clark with high praise for this same book: “Even though much discussion has been generated since, I think that your book may still be the best overall treatment of the subject anywhere. … It is puzzling to me that your book has not received greater attention in evangelical debates on the subject.”

Today, 40 years after its initial publication, many still regard Clark’s book as the best and most comprehensive treatment of the Bible’s teaching on manhood and womanhood. Aaron Renn (The Masculinist) writes, “Man and Woman in Christ remains the foremost book on Christianity and gender.”

Sadly, this excellent book has become very difficult to find. Even used copies printed decades ago are rare and expensive. At Warhorn Media, we want this to change, so we’re bringing it back into publication.

More relevant than ever…

We live in a culture thoroughly corrupted by feminism. To even suggest that men and women have different roles to play in the home, in the church, and in society, is to mark yourself as “hopelessly old fashioned,” or worse. And as our civic leaders seek to further undermine the foundations of biblical sexuality, it’s no wonder that faithful books like Man and Woman in Christ end up forgotten. But the truth is, Clark’s book has only become more relevant today.

John Frame explains why: “Man and Woman in Christ is a classic presentation of the Bible’s teaching about men and women. For many years I’ve referred to it, and I consider it still to be one of the very best sources on this subject, perhaps the best. I’m delighted to hear of its republication—so timely, given the current discussion. Some are suggesting that one’s gender is a personal decision, rather than a divine gift. Clark’s book corrects such thinking and therefore clears the track for progress in godly relationships between the sexes.”

An incomparable resource…

There’s something you should know up front: this book is not intended for the lazy reader. It’s not a thoughtless hot take on the state of gender these days. Quite the opposite. It’s 777 pages (yep, we know) of thorough biblical, historical, and social analysis on manhood and womanhood, including extensive scholarly interaction with feminist literature, as well as engagement with sociological and psychological research. Thankfully, Clark’s writing is refreshingly readable, and the breadth of topics he covers leaves the reader edified in many areas beyond the realm of sexuality.

And how could it be otherwise? Sexuality touches every part of life, and this book is just what we need at a time when we’re not even sure if there is such a thing as a man or a woman. If more Christians had a firm grasp on God’s meaning and purpose in sexuality, we would not feel unprepared or embarrassed when the conversation with friends, family, or coworkers turns to such matters. It’ll take some work, but Clark will give you the foundation you need to joyfully bear witness to God’s beautiful truth—that when God made man male and female, it was very good.

Man and Woman in Christ is an essential reference resource for any Christian, but especially for pastors, elders, teachers, and other leaders setting direction for their churches, homes, schools, and workplaces. To that end, we have included an accurate topical index and Scripture index in order to maximize the book’s usefulness to the reader. Need to know what Clark says about Marxism and its impact on our modern cultural understanding of sexuality? Go to page 525. Need to clarify your understanding of the Apostle Paul’s teaching on head coverings? Find Clark’s analysis on page 169. In the PDF, the table of contents, endnotes, and indexes are hyperlinked for quicker navigation.

We’ve done what we can. Now we need your help…

Believe it or not, the work on getting this book more widely available started over twenty years ago when the book was first painstakingly scanned and digitized. Then over the last several years, hundreds of hours have been poured into cleaning it up and preparing it for republication. Now, finally, we have a completely redesigned edition, and we’re ready to send it off to the printer … but we need your help. Printing a quality book like this requires money, which is why we’re asking for your help in funding an initial print run. We’ve given generously of our time. Will you please give generously of your money?

We hope the republication of Man and Woman in Christ will strengthen the next generation of Christians who want to live obediently as men and women made in the image of God.

More commendations of Man and Woman in Christ

“The stunningly comprehensive combination of scriptural research with sociological, anthropological, and psychological data is, I believe, unprecedented. … well argued and well worth arguing with.” —Richard John Neuhaus

“This is a thorough and impressive piece of work, a major contribution. … I am especially pleased with the attention paid in this work to the social structures of the New Testament world.” —F. F. Bruce

“A scholarly, yet very readable and practical, presentation on an extremely important topic.” —James C. Dobson

“This book is a welcome antidote to the barrage of propaganda from the egalitarian left that blurs the distinction between the sexes and denies the biblical teaching of hierarchy in the order of creation.” —Donald G. Bloesch, Late Professor of Theology, Dubuque Theological Seminary

“Middler year of seminary (1980), I heard Steve Clark had published Man and Woman in Christ. It hit the spot for me, a repenting feminist married to a repenting feminist. Many Reformed men have written great books about yesterday’s battles. It took a Roman Catholic to write the greatest book engaging today’s battle.” —Tim Bayly, Senior Pastor, Trinity Reformed Church, Bloomington, Ind.

“Christians ready for a serious dive into the meaning of manhood and womanhood should read this book. Forty years after its original publication, Clark’s accomplishment remains unsurpassed. It is biblical, empirical, and practical.” —David Talcott, Associate Professor of Philosophy, The King’s College, New York

“There is hardly an area more emotion-laden today, even among Christians, than that of the respective roles of men and women. Here is a daring and serious study that attempts to do justice to the biblical witness and to address its meaning for today. It is a study of overwhelming breadth. It will anger some, but it cannot be ignored or dismissed by anyone seriously concerned with the issue academically, personally, or pastorally.” —George T. Montague, Professor Emeritus of Theology, St. Mary’s University, Former President of the Catholic Biblical Association of America

“Clark summarizes very well the literature on the major differences in abilities between the sexes, and concludes, correctly, that men and women differ significantly in their emotional, intellectual, and social responses. … [This evidence] implies that the feminist position is in for increasing criticism. Let us hope that this criticism can be done in the same competent and measured way in which Clark handles it.” —Paul C. Vitz, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, New York University

“Clark’s book will meet a deep need. It brings together between two covers the results of several decades of theological and sociological research in the field of men’s and women’s roles. … Clark’s industry will help every scholar incorporate the available data into a more balanced approach.” —Theodore Jungkuntz, Late Professor of Theology, Valparaiso University

“This book is both an intellectual tour de force and a practical handbook for Christian survival in the twilight years of the twentieth century. Faithful Christians will ignore it at their own peril. Those who would synthesize Christianity with women’s lib will ignore it at the risk of losing their intellectual integrity.” —Dale Vree, Late Editor of New Oxford Review for 31 Years

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Warhorn Media posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #16

Today is the official release date for Man and Woman in Christ. The republication of this book would not have been possible without your support. Thank you!

One final thing you can do to help the book's visibility is to write a review on Amazon:

The book can be accessed online at, where you can also find free downloads of all electronic versions of the book.

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Warhorn Media posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #15

Your book is on its way!

The Warhorn Elves have been working hard, and every physical reward for giving $40+ to the campaign has officially been mailed, so keep your eyes out and let us know if there seem to be any issues with your shipment.

Watch for an email next week with download links for your ebook rewards. The web version of the book will go live on August 2. The hardcover and Kindle versions are live for pre-order right now on Amazon:

Happy reading!

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Warhorn Media posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #14

Books are on their way!

If you gave $40 or more to the campaign, your book is either in the mail or will be going in the mail next week. (Some of you have already received your copy!) If you have any issues with your package, please contact us at [email protected].

Keep your eyes out for an email with download links for ebook rewards. We're still polishing the PDF, EPUB, and Kindle versions and will have them to you soon.

The book's official release date is August 2, but the hardcover and Kindle versions are now available for pre-order on Amazon. The free web version of the book will be released on August 2 at!

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Warhorn Media posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #13

They’re finally here! Here's what that means:

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Warhorn Media posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #12

Look! A bunch of bonus Warhorn Media books waiting to be sent out with copies of Man and Woman in Christ!

As a reminder, if you still need to confirm your shipping address for your rewards, please do so here:

If the Lord blesses our plans, shipments will start rolling out in early July.

Thanks for your support!

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Warhorn Media posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #11

If you haven't seen it yet, check out Aaron Renn's interview with Joseph Bayly on why we're republishing Man and Woman in Christ and its relevance for today:

As our shipping date gets closer, we will be reaching out to those of you who gave $40+ to confirm your shipping address. You're also free to go ahead and take care of this at any time by filling out this online form:
(If the billing address you provided at the time of your donation is the same as your shipping address, then you're all set and you don't need to take any further action.)

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Warhorn Media posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #10

Final proofs are approved and sent off to the printer! Their production timeline is about a month right now, so, Lord willing, we'll receive the books by late June. If things go smoothly, those of you who gave $40+ will be getting an exciting package in mid to late July.

In the meantime, we're plugging away at compiling and formatting electronic versions: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, and web!

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Warhorn Media posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #9

This is what proofs look like from a real book printer. Truth be told, the first picture of a proof we sent was from our cheap backup-plan printer which we will NOT be using, thanks to all of you who supported the project. Cheap Backup-Plan Printer couldn't even manage to print the correct book between the covers of our proof… Thankfully, you pulled through and contributed enough for the book to be printed so as to actually be useful and durable (and look pretty good too), which was our goal from the start. Lord willing, we'll be telling our printer (the legit one) to hit the print button this week!

Jon Swerens commented on a blog post:
almost 4 years ago
Really a beautiful effort, gentlemen. That M&W C treatment is especially wonderful.

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Warhorn Media posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #8

Thank you to everyone who supported the campaign to republish Man and Woman in Christ! If you got yourself a hardcover copy with your donation ($40 or more), expect to see one of these cards in your shipment which we hope to send your way before the end of June.

We are encouraged that the Lord provided so abundantly for this project. We didn't raise the funds necessary to produce audio versions (like a podcast) at this time, but we far surpassed our initial goal and first stretch goal. Not only will Man and Woman in Christ be going back into print in a high-quality hardcover edition, but we will also be making it available digitally in every e-book format, and online for free. We'll be working hard on these digital versions in May, and we plan to have them available for you in June as well.

Please stay tuned for further updates on timing of your rewards. You don't need to take any further action to get your rewards, but we may be contacting a few of you if we need more info from you.

Your support showed us that we're not the only ones who want this book back out there. May Christ use it to build His kingdom in our generation!

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Warhorn Media posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #7

Just 1 day left to support the campaign to republish Man and Woman in Christ, so please tell your friends this is their last chance to reserve a hardcover for a discounted price.

We've also been gearing up for sending out rewards. We don't have the books in hand yet, but we've been gathering shipping supplies for sending books to nearly 300 supporters! (That's a lot of bubble wrap.)

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Warhorn Media posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #6

Proof copy in hand! We're making a few tweaks to make sure everything's just right before sending final files off to the press.

We've still got a long way to go to reach our goal of producing audio for Man and Woman in Christ, but we've been actively preparing the content for the promised digital versions. We can't wait to get the book into your hands!

Please remember to let others know they can support this project AND get the hardcover at a discounted rate (along with a few other great Warhorn books) through the end of April.

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Warhorn Media posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #5

Praise God! We’ve reached our first stretch goal. Man and Woman in Christ is not only coming back into print. It’s also going to be freely available as a PDF, as an e-book, and on the web. What more is there to do?

The only thing missing is an audiobook. As we’ve said before, this book is very readable. But it’s still a book, and more and more people find that they don’t have time to read books, but they do have time to listen to them. So the most accessible form of a book is an audiobook.

But audiobooks have *not* been very accessible because they are expensive. And the longer the book, the more expensive they get, both to buy and produce. Frankly, most books like this are never made into audiobooks because they require a huge investment that would never be profitable. But with your help we can do it anyway.

Our final goal is to make an audiobook of Man and Woman in Christ freely available as a podcast.

And it just so happens that we already have experience producing both audiobooks and podcasts, so we know what we’re in for.

A professional-quality recording of a book this long is not a simple or cheap undertaking, not to mention the editing and production costs. I guess that’s why it’s called a stretch goal, though.

Will you please pray for the Lord’s blessing on this initiative, and then would you help us make Man and Woman in Christ accessible to many more people by making it into an audiobook freely available on every podcast platform?

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Warhorn Media posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #4

All of a sudden, we're at 100% of our first goal of $13,000! The Lord was kind to provide for this much more quickly than we had hoped. Thank you to everyone who's donated so far to help support the project. What’s next?

Imagine if, after a conversation with a friend about the differences between men and women, you could share a link directly to chapter 16 in the book, which addresses that exact question. In one of our announcement posts we mentioned a stretch goal of making this book available online, not just in PDF, but also for Kindle and other devices and, most importantly, in an easily browsable and searchable web version. Wow! That would be a great service to the Church of Jesus Christ. We really want everybody to have access to this wonderful book, even if they can’t afford a hard copy. Every dollar we raise from this point on will get us closer to that goal.

So please keep sharing!

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Warhorn Media posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #2

We're way over 50% of the way there! Things really picked up speed today after Aaron Renn and Doug Wilson kindly shared the project. Here's a pic from when Joseph and Alex were looking at our new page proofs and comparing to the old 1980 edition.

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Warhorn Media posted a new update:
almost 4 years ago

Update #1

We've already hit 25% of our goal! Praise the Lord, and thanks to everyone who's given so far. Here's a screen shot of the typesetting design file approximately 25% through the content of the book, which happens to be the opening spread of chapter 8, "The Community: Key Texts (1 Timothy 2:8–15)."

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