Christmas Tree Dune Project

More Info

Thanks so much for donating your beautiful Christmas trees (...well probably once beautiful) This whole thing started with asking family members to leave their tree out so I could grab it and take it down to the beach, but it quickly ballooned into a great cause with lots of support! We have a TON of people donating now.  Our plan is to go around and grab as many trees as we can (Saturday, January 6th) so we can pull them down to the coast. 

We set up this little fundraiser to collect a few bucks here and there to help with the cost to rent a big box truck and pay for a little gas.  Any extra money that we collect will be donated to Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center located on Topsail Island. Link here 

Thanks so much and so far this has gone great. We hope to do it again next year! 

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