Brazil Missions

Brazil Missions

From Sam Pierce

This spring I am traveling to Rio De Janeiro, Brazil with the Paradox Church to partner with Restore Brazil. We will be involved in leading a kids’ club, ministering to drug addicts and homeless, and sharing our faith.

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This spring break God has given me a wonderful and exciting opportunity to minister and experience the mission field for a short time through the Paradox Church. I will be going to Rio De Janeiro, Brazil where we will be partnering with an organization called Restore Brazil ( I will be involved in leading a kids’ club, ministering to drug addicts and homeless, and sharing my faith. While I was hesitant at first to join the trip, since I do not always trust the sustainability of “short term mission trips,” I am now beyond excited about this opportunity, because it allows us to partner with an existing organization in Brazil that has already bought light into so many people’s lives.

I am committed to raising $2,000. Please consider supporting our trip, in prayer and/or financially if you are able. 

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